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Good morning crafty friends!

My turn for the blog again and today I’m sharing an easy shaker card using the new Hexagon Heaven and Family Sentiment stamps



Supplies; Mama Makes family sentiments,  Mama Makes hexagon heaven, black ink, red ink, white card, acetate, micro beads, nesting hexagon dies, patterned paper, foam sheet, red liner tape



1. Cut 3 different sized hexagons from a 12cm square of patterned paper and cut an identical piece from a foam sheet.
2. Use one of these pieces as a template to mark the position of the windows on a square of white card and then stamp the sentiments in the centre of each hexagon.
3. Stick a square of acetate to the back of the patterned piece and then put double sided red tape around the edges of each hexagonmaking sure there are no gaps. Trim the edges from the foam pieceso it is slightly smaller and stick this to the back lining up the windows.
4. With the stamped card on a flat surface sprinkle a little pile of beads in the centre of each stamped area. Stick the prepared piece over the top making sure the foam side is facing down and that the windows are central. Layer this whole piece onto white card, a contrasting patterned paper and then onto a 15cm white card base.

